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by James McClure directed by Patrick Dooley

This play, that we tried running as a late-night theatre experiment in November '94, was by far one of the funniest plays we ever produced. All of 10 people came to see it. Not to be deterred, we brought it back in '95. I think we had 50 come on the second go round. This was either a sign that our audiences couldn't care less about James McClure, or else they couldn't care less about us. I wasn't prepared to handle the second possibility.

Kevin Karrick as Gately
David Garrett as Natwick
Michael Storm as Silvio

Trick Redman, director and designer
Patrick Dooley, lighting technician first run
Alex Lopez, lighting technician second run
Patrick Dooley, artistic director

Opened: Friday, November 3, 1994 as a late-night companion to The Merchant of Venice & Saturday, February 25, 1995 for full run

Performed: Friday & Saturday at 10:30 pm as a companion to The Merchant of Venice & Thursday & Friday & Saturday at 8:00 pm in full run

Performed At: La Val's Subterranean Theatre, 1834 Euclid Avenue, Berkeley

Closed: Saturday, December 10, 1994 as a companion to The Merchant of Venice & March 18, 1995 as full run

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1901 Ashby Avenue
Berkeley, CA 94703