shotgun players

Maintained and
hosted by
Oak City


Fig Leaf: Tales of Truth and Transgressions

What does it mean to live your own truth, whether or not others see it as shameful? Fig leaves are cast aside in an original theatrical exploration inspired by fruit seeds, suppression, subversion, Adam & Eve. The result is a tell-all cabaret, which offers a glimpse of the truths and transgressions that lie behind the façade of our well-behaved daily lives. Fig Leaf: Tales of Truth and Transgressions on April 28, 29, May 5, 6 and May 12, 13 at La Val's Subterranean Theater, 1834 Euclid, Berkeley.

Director Andrea Weber has assembled a team of collaborators that include writers, musicians, dancers, actors, and a visual artist to build a multi-disciplinary performance. The evening contains a dramatization of Alison Luterman's narrative poem "The Ballad of Greg Withrow", live music and songs by Daniel Ari (AKA "Fang", band leader of Bass Line Dada), and the premiere of a one-act play by San Francisco poet and playwright Terence Keane. Choreography is by Shotgun company member Andrea Weber, in collaboration with Joan Bruemmer of Marijoh Danztheater and Cynthia Adams of Fellow Travelers Performance Group. Visual artist Lauren Ari is designing sets. All this at La Val's Subterranean? You betcha!


When: April 28 & 29, May 5, 6, 12 & 13 at 8PM

Where: La Vals Subterranean, 1834 Euclid in North Berkeley

Admission: $10. No reservations. Just buy your tickets at the door.

directed by Andrea Weber





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