Caryl Churchill directed by Patrick Dooley

Opened: Friday, May 5 at the Julia Morgan Center
for the Arts, Berkeley
Performed: Friday, Saturday & Sunday
Performed At:
The Warehouse Performance Space, 1850 Cesar Chavez, San Francisco
Closed: June 4

Steven Winn for the SF Chronicle
Brad Rosenstein for the SF
Bay Gaurdian
John Angell Grant for the Backstage
Richard Dodds for the theatre.com


Chadsey as the Skriker
Jennifer Taggart as Josie
Beth Donohue as Lily
Andy Alabran as Johnny Squarefoot, Businessman & Blue Man #1
Ryan Gowland as Kelpie & Businessman
Christopher Kuckenbaker as Man with Bucket and Cloth & Radiant Boy
Fenny Kuo as Yallery Brown, Thrumpin #1 & Family Picnic Daughter #1
Michelle Talgarow as Passerby
Amy Sass as Girl with Telescope & Jenny Greenteeth
Morgan Forsey as Green Lady & Lost Girl Greg Lucey as Bogle, Dark Fairy
& Rawheadandbloodybones
Benjamin Lovejoy as Spriggan, Businessman & Family Picnic Father
Katie Bales as Brownie, Fair Fairy, Black Annie & Thrumpin #2
Nari Tomassetti as Woman with Kelpie, Nellie Longarms & Blue Man #2
Stephanie (Nina) Fuchs as Dead Child, Thrumpin #3, Family Picnic Daughter
#2 & Great Great Granddaughter
Keith Davis as Black Dog
Trish Mulholland as Hag, Family Picnic Mother & Granddaughter

Patrick Dooley, director
Andrea Weber, choreographer
Michael Frassinelli, set design & construction
Ensemble Effort LLC, costume design
Jake Rodriguez, sound design
Alex Lopez, lighting design
Laura McNall, fairy ears & other appendages
Joan McBrien, dramaturg
Andrew Jones, stage management
Dominic Riley, dialect coaching
Jenn Clark, production
Buzz, production
Benjamin Lovejoy, graphic designer
thanks to:
Sabrina Klein and all the staff at the Julia Morgan Center for the Arts,
Chris Altman, Buzz the Cat, Sheila Stone, Michael Dooley, Laura McNall,
Linda Ely, Kathleen Henderson, Ilah Jarvis, Yvonne Knebel, David Karlin
(awesome cook and cats cradle coach), Joan McBrien, Dominic Riley, Phil
Stockton, Travis, and Chris Willis.